• Book The Shaman's Bulldog
  • Description Renaldo Fischer offers an adoring, amusing, and moving celebration of his pet's short but significant life. "Faccia Bello became my shaman's bag of magic tricks. My overused rational brain was silent, and a magical new world of the heart appeared, a world where transformation was natural." When Renaldo first brought Faccia Bello home, it was less love at first sight than a tug of war - with the tenaciously clever, 70-pound, purebred English bulldog usually winning. When Renaldo's marriage fell apart, Faccia Bello was there for him, offering emotional continuity and teaching him to live and love again. The bulldog's admirable instincts and innate wisdom linked Renaldo to the wonder of the natural world and the rich spiritual potential of his own soul. Renaldo's tribute to his pet's short but significant life will touch the hearts of animal lovers and anyone who has experienced the transformative power of unconditional love. Engaging with this magical story at a leisurely pace is certain to fill your heart and soul with peace. In a time when many of us feel disconnected from nature and the spiritual world, 'The Shaman's Bulldog'" reminds us of the profound bond between humans and animals, and the wisdom that can be gained from connecting with our furry companions. When a beloved animal crosses The Rainbow Bridge, they forever live in our hearts, and we dream of meeting them again. May this story of Faccia Bello remind you of every precious animal who has brought love into your life.
  • Published Date 1997
  • Permanent Page https://ellenmlaura.com/the-shamans-bulldog/