Top of the Mountain Goal Setting

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At the age of nineteen, a goal-setting method was taught to me by one of my spiritual mentors. I attribute my greatest successes in health, and happiness to this method. I call it, “Top of the Mountain Goal Setting,” and I’m sharing it with you now.

As a spiritual being, your true nature, which some call the soul, is luminous, and pure and communicates with you and transmits ideas, inspirations, thoughts, and feelings so you can bring them forth into the physical world

  • Become aware of your true spiritual nature and engage in practices to amplify and clarify the communication from your true self. It’s like dialing into a radio station and getting close enough to the transmitting station to hear the signal correctly.
  • Focus on a goal you’d like to achieve and see if you can state it in language that makes you feel alive, buoyant, and spacious – and test it for three days to see if this is just a passing whim or an authentic, empowered goal.
  • Evaluate the feeling of naturalness related to accomplishing the goal. The time it takes to manifest a goal is directly proportional to the feeling of naturalness.
  • Correct course and continue until you’ve mastered this process.

The Power of Soul

The soul at the top of the mountain is communicating with the physical self, via thought, and these thoughts can be felt within the body. That’s where the feeling comes into play in a really big way. Our feelings have the potential to guide us away from setting goals that could be unsuitable for us or harmful to humanity – and guide us toward setting goals that will resonate with our spirituality.

The power of the soul is radiating love and positive energy – even if slumbering. Those positive emanations send signals to the brain and body that help stabilize us as we begin to take action in working toward our goals. Often, we push so hard on a goal, it is like trying to force a chain up a mountain. The result is that it just falls to the ground with a disappointing thud.

Practicing meditation, prayer, and other methods to amplify the spiritual emanations helps increase our ability to achieve goals. This amplification grows as we grow in wisdom, discernment, and loving-kindness.

When we feel light, spacious, and open, this may be an indication that the goal we are thinking about is a good one to pursue. Our feelings can guide us, but remember, the more detours we have taken to an out-of-balance lifestyle, the more we need to be aware that our emotions can drive us to unhealthy choices.

As you look at the image above, you see the true self is connected with the Creator and the angelic realms at the top of the mountain. However, the true self may be slumbering (similar to being drunk or drugged) and not aware of its connection to the Creator. This slumbering state is all too real for many people. That’s why engaging in prayer, meditation, and deeper spiritual practices is important – to awaken the slumbering soul.

“Having a clear, discerning intellect and a desire to be heroic is essential in this goal-setting process.”

I’m available for coaching and mentoring in this process, so reach out to me with your questions.

This is an excerpt from NOURISH; here’s the link to the entire ebook. 

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Author and Consultant

From life in Maui, living among flowers and ocean breezes, to a more recent move to Lake Las Vegas, with its beautiful desert vistas and sunsets, the golden thread of Divine Spirit has guided my life. My journey has led me to spiritual masters, authentic friendships, encounters with death and healing, and more changes than most people could imagine for one lifetime. Listen to the wisdom of Rainer Maria Rilke, in “Letters to a Young Poet”: “Do not assume that he who seeks to comfort you now, lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life may also have much sadness and difficulty that remains far beyond yours. Were it otherwise, he would never have been able to find these words.” Remember, a wellness coach can only take you as deep as their own journey has taken them. Transitioning through grief, loss, and change requires guidance from a mature and experienced Soul. Achieving optimal health is a worthy goal, no matter your age or current life situation. As you browse through our site, I invite your comments and welcome new friends and clients into my world. Ellen M. Laura

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