Prayers for Well Being
By Rosemary Partridge, Doctor of Ministry
Quiet Acts of Love
Today and tonight I render quiet acts. Invisibly helping others and the whole.
Doing my part to turn the wheel with love.
I pray to be as moonlight. Stepping silently through the leaves.
Touching Earth
I pray to be the smoke from an incense. Lit with intention rising to the heavens.
I express and strengthen my virtue.
Universe Ever Becoming.Grant me integrity and ability in action.
Universe Ever Becoming. Grant me the vision to see opportunities.
To do silent acts of prayer
In Your Name
May the radiance of these words and this truth
~ Amen
Reverend Rosemary Partridge, Doctor of Ministry
Rosemary Partridge lives in the Sierra Foothills of Northern California. She was ordained as an Interfaith Minister in1987 and received her Doctor of Ministry in 2003. Rosemary has written and published four prayer books and has facilitated Celebrations, Ceremonies and Rituals for 30 years.
Rosemary has been a wonderful friend to me. This week has been a ‘noisy’ week in my life, many demands, both spoken and quiet.
I am grateful that today I again experience the balance in my life. Blessings to all, from Ellen Laura

2 Responses
Timely Poem with Valentines Day this week! Quiet Acts of Love from a woman named Rosemary. Gotta love it. You are blessed to have her as a friend and I am too to receive this from you. LOVE!
Paul Hugel
Quite Acts of Love is a nice blog post. Glad to see you learning how to use wordpress and add picture